Red Button

This is the service to have in place to arrange for a team of specialists to intervene in the event of a cyber attack. Incident Response manager, Senior Security Manager, Senior Incident Analyst and Forensic Analyst will support in all phases of containment, eradication, remediation and ex-post in order to neutralize the attack and determine appropriate improvements in IT security management.
All activities are conducted according to defined processes and procedures inspired by the main reference frameworks (NIST, Cybersecurity Framework 2.0) shared with the Client in the preparatory phase of the service.


The service that pre-arranges intervention teams for the subscribing customer, ensuring maximum effectiveness in case of need.

The service is initialed preemptively, that is, before a security incident occurs, so we can proceed with the preventive activities that make a difference if attacks occur.
These will allow us to:

  • Know the Client’s IT and security infrastructure and business organization;
  • Prepare effective Security Incident Response Plans.
More precisely, the service phases are structured as follows:

  • Subscription – the duration of the contract is established
  • Preparedness–the technical and organizational assessment is conducted that produces the incidentresponse plan , incident management procedures , safety posture analysis , and improvement strategies
  • Exercise – periodic assessments recur with semi-annual review of documentation and information collected.
    In the event of an incident, intake, coordination and management of the incident is done.

Why is it ideal for most companies?

This service addresses extraordinary adverse events that are normally not manageable by the internal team of a company that is not primarily concerned with IT and Cybersecurity. A cyber attack takes several dozen days to come back from, but preparing with key information a response team, complete with various specialized skills, can reduce the economic damage of an attack by considerable amounts. The economic impact of such measures can be measured by risk analysis.

The advantages of Red Button
The preparatory activity that is done improves the safety posture.
We have very specific expertise that is needed in a variety of cases.
We also provide expert support in case of a redemption request.
We intervene with well-defined roles and processes; we know the customer.

We are ready to listen to you. Write to us, we are at your disposal.