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Continuous Controls Monitoring

The Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) platform provides comprehensive visibility into an organization’s overall security condition (posture).

With an overview based on real-time evidence and factual information from all IT assets and tools, it enables Security and Risk Managers to assess the effectiveness of security controls and technology performance, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, risk management and alignment with the organization’s operationalsecurity needs.


The platform provides real-time visibility and automation, ensuring easier govenrance and reduced audit effort.

The service includes.

  • Dedicated CSM as your single point of contact for all your needs
  • Continuous support to ensure consistent operational performance
  • Continued integration of new controls and metrics
  • Active plan for continuous customer success and service improvement
  • Data source management and maintenance continuous maintenance of the platform
  • Updates to frameworks and regulations

Frequent use cases

Cloud adoption and the new business digital business make the process of security assurance more difficult and prone to errors

Regulatory bodies are no longer without claws and your board is aware of it: Economic damages can come from fines, loss of customers, loss of property intellectual property and reputation

SRM managers must support a future with pressure broader and more profound regulation between frameworks, national standards, international and industry

Many organizations do not have the capabilities to monitor and measure continuously the effectiveness of the controls security controls, reducing their value over time

The benefits of Continuous Control Monitoring

Better understanding of the performance of risk management and of threatsport to your board evidence and guidance to make the best


It simplifies and automates the maintenance of an effective posture of safety and compliance

Fewer errors

Reduces manual labor, ad hoc data exports ad hoc, laborious searches of files and reports.

It improves the process of Security Assurance and the business continuity

Cost control

Leverage automation to avoid inefficiencies and the need for audits external


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